Life would be so much easier if every document came printed on 8.5 by 11-inch paper. But that’s not reality! In actuality, scanning large documents presents a challenge most businesses should not undertake without expert help.

It may be tempting to allocate more physical space for document originals like blueprints, maps, legal-sized records, photos, schematics, and other non-standard originals. However, scanning large documents so you can swiftly access and utilize them is possible with the right help.

This week contact River City Data for a quote on scanning large documents and storing them in a usable digital format.


land surveyor or engineer with a computer creating blueprints or maps


Scan Large Documents: Do Not DIY

Conventional office scanners have several limitations. They only scan the most widely used document sizes, such as letter, legal, and A3 paper designations.

When you have a record that doesn’t fit those measurements, you have to get super creative to scan your large document accurately on your own. 

Much like stitching together panoramic images with a Polaroid camera, scanning a large document onto multiple pages is risky. Your results will be clunky at best, and completely non-functional at worst.

If you DO succeed in scanning all parts of your large document, you’ll need access to quality scanning software that can integrate the pieces of your record into a readable “whole” again. Plus, you’ll need the experience and expertise to effectively navigate the software for a finished, storeable, indexable, accessible file.

Wasting person-hours, money, and often frustration is not the way to go when simpler large document scanning options exist. Especially if large documents don’t encompass the majority of your records, it’s smart to ask for help from a dedicated scanning service provider.


architect or engineer working at desk on computer with hardhat and large documents for scanning


Should I Buy a Large Doc Scanner?

Though specialized equipment is one way to go in large document scanning, the investment in a quality large document color printer can be prohibitive. 

Plus, you can’t stop at a printer purchase. You must also commit to buying software and sometimes server space to convert, store, manage, and index your large document files. 

Pile on top of that training it takes to become proficient at large document scanning and conversion, and you may have more than you bargained for in a scanner purchase for your company.

It makes sense to outsource your large document scanning to an experienced and trusted partner, whether you produce one large document per week or thousands.

Scanning: Combining Art and Science

Entrusting your large document scanning to a team of professionals is a smart choice for any company. Architects, surveyors, legal firms, government agencies, artists, and photographers are several sectors and companies that need large document scanning capabilities on small and large scales.

Though business and organizational leaders are likely meticulous in many of their job functions, some elements of superior document scanning practices may fall through the cracks if it’s not your full-time job to ensure they happen.

Scanning your documents accurately is only a small piece of the scanning process.

Here’s what happens when you start scanning a large document.

    1. Document Prep: All staples, clips, and other hardware must be removed from the document, a sometimes tedious and time consuming effort, especially with multiple pages. Seals must be embossed, and you must select the correct grayscale or color parameters from which to work.
    2. Repair: Bent corners, torn edges, water stains, holes, or worn segments must all be assessed and fixed where possible.
    3. Enhancement: Once scanned, a professional may be able to enhance the image quality, sharpness, or color to ensure the best quality finished scan.
    4. Digitization: Choosing the correct file size and type for your scanned document is crucial to ensuring its continuing integrity in a digital format.
    5. Storage: Once you’ve scanned your document, you must decide what you’ll do with it. Will you store it in-house, or send it off-site to a dedicated server for archival? How will you retrieve it? Can you be sure your file is secure? What do you require of your document once it is digitized?
      Your answers to these questions determine your large document storage needs. Of course, digitizing your large documents
      saves physical space and all the financial investment associated with it like rent, upkeep, security measures, and staff hours.
    6. Indexing: Stored documents are useless unless you can quickly access the information or images at a moment’s notice. Indexing provides you with a way to organize your digital files based on keywords, phrases, or identifying fields like customer or purchase order number, client birthday, or other personal information. Outsourcing your large document scanning gives you more flexibility in document access and storage with proper indexing protocols.

Finding a trusted scanning partner offers several advantages in large document scanning. Here’s why you should outsource this end of your business.


high angle view of workers on construction site looking at blueprints and large documents


Why Outsourced Large Document Scanning Makes Sense

Regardless of how many large documents you need digitized, outsourcing this service offers you several benefits:

  • Save time and money on the lengthy and detailed process of scanning
  • Ensure proper indexing of your documents for easy and ongoing access wherever and whenever you want it
  • Secure your documents with encrypted access unique to an individual or organization
  • Save space and financial waste by archiving your digital documents in a dedicated, off-site server
  • Receive guaranteed image quality on all scanned documents, color or black and white
  • Enjoy superior work quality with nuanced methodology developed over decades of experience

River City Data: Your Trusted Partner in Scanning Large Documents

We’ve seen nearly everything in document scanning in our more than 40 years in operation in New London, MN. Our small town values translate to big company efficiency and excellence for every scanning and conversion project we manage.

We’re excited to deliver excellence, security, and accessibility to our clients. We know you run your business based on the trust you place in your data. River City Data understands your data integrity is paramount to your success.

We’re experts in what we do, whether your documents come to us on conventional-sized paper or the largest maps and schematics producible. Contact us today for a project quote, and we’ll be in touch to tackle whatever sized document you want converted.

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