When you work incredibly hard for something, you want to ensure it is taken care of and preserved. You worked hard for your diploma, whatever level of schooling you earned it in. It likely brings you a sense of pride whenever you see it hanging on your wall.

Maybe you have an intricate (and expensive) map on your wall? Or other large documents that are essential to you or your business you want to ensure are preserved. Just because a document is large doesn’t mean you shouldn’t maintain it. 

If you are looking for large format scanning services, look no further than River City Data. We have the experience you need and the skills you can depend on to digitize your documents. We focus on bringing our customers the best results possible.

With 40 years of experience serving the amazing people of New London and the surrounding areas, let River City Data serve all of your data needs.

Large format printer

What is Large Format Data Scanning?

Similar to document preservation of smaller sizes, large document data scanning services take large format documents and convert the actual document to a digital one. Instead of a bulky, large document, you will have a high-quality digital copy in the form you choose, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, or more. Some companies can even turn architectural or design drawings into computer-aided design (CAD) files like DWG or DXF.

What makes large-format data scanning different from smaller document scanning is the type of scanner required. Large documents use an LFD scanner. Here, the document is fed through a scanner slowly and read thoroughly as the paper passes through the machine. We will then convert the scanned image to the required format.

hand pressing button on scanner

Why Large Format Data Scanning Services?

There are many reasons why you might want large format data scanning services. Many of our clients are looking to free up space, and others do not want to deal with cumbersome and bulky items regularly. With that, our top seven reasons to use large data scanning services:

  1. Space, space, space. Many large documents, like floor plans, maps, etc., take up space and do not fit comfortably in most storage solutions, i.e., filing cabinet. Digitizing these documents frees up your office.
  2. Organization is key. Similar to freeing up space, digitizing large documents allows you to organize the records by indexing them while scanning. You can choose how to assemble at the beginning, and we will work with you.
  3. Time is of the essence. Handling and sorting through large documents can be tricky and tiresome. If you regularly sort through large documents, you know what we’re talking about here. Imagine clicking through some files that are at your fingertips to find what you need.
  4. Save money. This fact rings true if you work from home or have a small office, and storage space is at a premium. Digitizing your documents allows you not to have large documents in storage.
  5. Security. Depending on what you’re dealing with, you might be legally required to take certain precautions with information. We can ensure that only specific staff members are authorized to see the scanned documents.
  6. Shareability. Along with securely protecting your documents, you can easily share them after scanning. Scanned documents are ready to be shared via email or on a hard drive of your choice.
  7. Sharper images. Often, scanning large documents results in cleaner, sharper images. The scanned image can be better than the original.
  8. Memories! Maybe you don’t own a business but have many essential documents that happen to be substantial. We work with individuals regularly to preserve important mementos from their family and life.

Residential building blueprint plans

What Size Document Can Be Scanned?

Most households in America have a printer/scanner at home. This scanner likely does a fantastic job with anything under the A4 size. For those not in the paper world, A4 is slightly longer than the standard letter size paper you print on. A4 is 210mm by 297mm, while standard letter paper is 215.9mm by 279.4mm.

A3 paper is 420mm by 297mm, or two A4 documents together. Anything A3 or larger typically requires professional services to scan.

Many documents will be classified under these larger sizes, including maps, diplomas, architects’ drawings, projects your kids did in school, poster-size prints, extra-large photographs, and more. If you have some of these things or anything else more substantial you want to preserve, call River City Data today and see how we can securely scan your documents.

Close up woman hand working of Architect sketching project on blueprint at site construction work. Concept of architect, engineer in the office desk construction project

Why River City Data?

River City Data has been in the business for more than 40 years, and we have been in New London for the entire time. We have served clients from all walks of life: both businesses and individuals. Our roots run deep, as well as our values.

Our customers trust us to deliver quality products with the best customer service. We will work within your budget and your timeline to ensure you have what you need when you need it.

Our customers are not limited to New London alone; we have customers throughout Minnesota and the Greater Midwest area. Our satisfied customers live all around our great state and beyond.

We are dedicated to keeping up with the ever-changing world of technology. We work hard to ensure your data is secure. To ensure a smooth conversion, we rely on AMI View, or we can use your existing ECM software. We will be able to archive your documents and ensure they are accessible to your home or business.

Whether you are an individual or a business, let River City Data be your partner in all your scanning and digitizing needs. We look forward to working with you as you digitize all of the documents in your life.

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